[To THE Enrroa or THE " SPECIL7011."] Se,—elf the author of the kindly review of my hook looks up again the passage relative to Spolato ho will see that I was referring to its position in a possible future war. The idea thief the Italians would go .t of their way deliberately to ruin that, or any other future Southern Slav, port never entered my head for a moment. Sin. the Italian Press Censorship has been lightened it has become evident that there is a considerable body of public opinion making for an ]talo-Serb accord. I regret that this took place too late for me to be able to put it on record in my book. Italian interests have not been well served by a Censorship which hnd the effect of exaggerating the apparent prevalence of " Nationalist " opinion. Italians and Southern Slays are necessary to each other.—I am,