We are extremely glad to be able to record that
Lord .Rhondda has made a concession to the farmers as to the maximum price of home-grown beef. It will be remembered that the price of meat, live-weight, was to be reduced to 00s. a hundredweight next January, the fixed price for November and December of this year being 07e. Lord Rhondda has decided that the maximum price of 67e. shall remain in force till next July. Although this is not by any means all that the farmers desire, it will give them an opportunity to " got out " of undertakings which promised to involve them in a dead loss. The chief danger in the old arrangement was something much more than the discouragement of the farmers and the infliction on them of financial lose. We were threatened with a very serious reduction of the meat supplies of the nation. For naturally farmers who found that they were losing money day by day when they were fattening beasts disposed of those beasts as quickly as possible. Supplies were being rapidly depleted. Beasts in an inferior con. dition were being sold off to be scraped down as sausage-meat instead of being prepared for sale as good and nourishing food in the winter menthe.