12 SEPTEMBER 1919, Page 15


[To enz Eorroa or ma " 8ezerssoa."1 Sie,—Colonels A., B., and• C., and Lieut.-Colonels D., E., and F. are retired officers who "joined up " in August, 1914, and who have served continuously throughout the war. These officers are consequently entitled to gratuities of one month's pay for each of their five years of service, which in many eases included actual fighting 1914-191fi. Unfortunately for themselves, the officers in question responded, in 1917,.to a call for volunteers to serve on the lines of communications in France; they threw up their various appointments at home and accepted service at rates of pay lower than those of their proper rank. Gratuities are based on " the last rate of pay received," and the amounts now payable are consequently less than if reversion to civil life had taken place two years ago! The grievance arising from this anomaly is obviously deserving of Mr. Churchill's considera

tion.—I am, Sir, Sic., ONE OF THEM.