12 SEPTEMBER 1919, page 20

State-aided Research.*

THERE is at least one Department, founded during the war, whose continuance will not be questioned' by the advocates of economy.. It is a very small Department ; its total......

. Napoleon.*

IT was indeed " rainbow-chasing," as Dr. Wickham defined it, when his son Geoffrey crossed the Channel to test his new theory of human relations on Napoleon himself. " I think......

The Field Of Boaz.* There Is A Universal Quality In

genuine religious experience which recalls the saying that " Mortals have many tongueS ; Immortals one." These extracts from the diary of a devout Nonconformist, a sempatress in......


CORPORAL'S CORNER.t THE letters of which this little book are made up .purport to have been written by a corporal, an ex-schoolmaster, an incurable " spinal case " in a military......