12 SEPTEMBER 1919, page 11

[to The 'editor Op .the " Seem/hm."2 S114—your Recent...

on this subject propose the only solution of the drink 'question that the Labour Movement will accept, and therefore, unless the Prohibitionists are able to impose their policy......

Lto The Editor Or The " Spectator-"1 Str,—the Bulk Of

the letter of the Secretary of the U.K.A. consists -of . matter as fully endorsed by Mr.. Batty as by himself: It is exactly because of the generally accepted facts, which Mr.......

[to The Editor Op The " Spect&tor."i Sir,—as You Have

opened your columns to a correspondence on the subject of control of the liquor trade, may I contribute some suggestions which an experience of Excise administration in one of......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectltor."1 Sus,—may I Express

my admiration of the practical good sense of your article on the nationalization of the drink trade:: Such a course as you suggest would, in my opinion, exest powerful moral......

[t0 The Editor Or The " Spect■tor."1 Sir, —i Read

with great interest your admirable article " The True Subject for Nationalization," and wish to express my cordial agreement with the policy advocated. It is the one practical......

[to The Editor. Of The " Sfectiltor."1

Sue,—Absence from England on a visit to the Belgian battle. fields has prevented me before this sending a reply to Mr. Wilson's criticism•of my letter. Unable to fairly face or......