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Mr. Portman, on strong entreaty, has determined for the resent not to disturb Dorsetshire by a contested election, to which his intended* resignation must have led. .
At the Chester Assizes, on Tuesday, a quack-doctor, named Joseph Senior, was convicted of manslaughter, for having killed the child of a poor woman by an unskilful delivery.
The Spring Assizes for Sussex will in future be held, it is said, in Brighton. • A dividend (the first) of es. in the pound has been declared on the. estate of Payne, Hope, and Co., late bankers, of Wells.
. Nearly five hundred persons are emigrating to Canada from parishes of Sussex and Surry, in which the Earl of Egremont has estates. The Earl gives them a free passage ; and each family, on arriving in Canada, is, to receive 15/. from his Lordship's agent.
At Banbury, six persons, out of 6,000, signed a petition to the King . against Reform; and at Henley, one. "Every little helps."
Such is the state of the atmosphere, that several gentlemen of Bury St. Edmund's, walking in the open fields, and in some instances in their own yards, have seen small birds, on the wing, suddenly fall to the earth, which on being taken up were quite dead.—Bury Herald.
On Friday night, as Mr. Sergeant Wilde was returning through Win- canton from Somerset Assizes, the servant in the dickey behind was preparing his pistols for the night, when one went off, and, passed through the carriage, and unfortunately entered the back of the post-boy, the ball lodging in his chest. Medical assistance was immediately given, but the ball was not extracted until the morning.—
Western Luminary. . On Friday last, a Mr. Wicks, stage-coach proprietor, and a Mr. Eger- ton, were thrown from a gig on the London road near Maidstone;. when the former was killed, and the latter so much hurt that his life is despaired of.
A man named Charles Mullen was taken up on Thursday, on sus- picion of being connected with the murder at Dobcross, near Man- chester. Samuel Thornecroft was exe4 .
it.ed at Hcif. skim, on Saturday, for set- ting fire to a barn at Milton, near Alfreiton, occupied by Mr. C. Ade. He was a fine young mass, abOut twenty-three. He acknowledged his guilt.