Otbatr# Ant! Prarratinglin Varriamcnt.
I. THE REFORM BII.I.. Previous to the motion for the second reading of the Bill, on Monday, several petitions iiere presented, some for, and some against it. The Duke of......
Be Court.
Their Majesties came to St. James's Palace on Tuesday; and, with the exception of a visit on Wednesday, paid by the Queen to her suffering niece at Windsor, they have not left......
. At The Old Bailey, On Wednesday, Mr. Thomas Stone,
lately in. business as a hop-merchant, was indicted for perjury, in swearing that he was twenty-one years of age, in order to obtain a licence, under which he married Miss Mary......
• , E Fittll'aprat.
The Bank of England held a meeting on Thursday ; when a peti- tion to Parliament, praying for a renewal of the Bank Charter for twenty-one years, was almost unanimously agreed......