The Affairs Of Holland And Belgium Are Still In Static
quo. No advance has been made by the King of Holland towards accepting the treaty, and the ratification by Russia, Prussia, and Austria, is still delayed. It is pretty evident......
The Principal Feature In The Foreign News Of The Week,
is the spread and fatality of the Cholera in Paris and its neighbourhood. The number attacked, up to Tuesday at noon, was 5,908 the number of deaths was 2,235. This report......
Otbatr# Ant! Prarratinglin Varriamcnt.
I. THE REFORM BII.I.. Previous to the motion for the second reading of the Bill, on Monday, several petitions iiere presented, some for, and some against it. The Duke of......
Letters From The Windward Islandsixeceiv_ecl On Thursday,...
population, slaves and freemen, in a very dissatisfied state. The slaves refuse to work, unless the Orders in Council are adopted ; and the masters refuse to supply the......
From A Protocol, Signed So Far Back As The 7th
January, and - which has been transmitted to this country from Greece, it appears that the three powers of France, England, and Russia, recognize the -National Assembly of......
Despatches Have Been Received From Lord Belmore In The...
of the week ; but not to a later date, nor containing any further particulars of interest, than the newspapers find letters no- ticed in our last second edition. From these it......
Letters From Belleisle Mention The Approaching Departure...
. division of the expedition. It consists of three vessels and a -corps of 800 French volunteers, mostly old soldiers. Among them are 100 crossea of the Legion of Honour:. The......