Prince TALLEYRAND has received despatches from Paris, dated yes- terday afternoon. They announce that the cholera has somewhat abated, and that the proportion of cures was much greater than before. They state also, that M. CASIMIR PERIER was going on well. Private letters, however, of Thursday's date, assure us that there is a very slight prospect of M. PERIM'S perfect recovery. This attack, it seems, had very few if any of the symptoms of the prevailing epidemic, but an aggravated symptom of an old chronic complaint, on which inflamma- tion had supervened.
Orders have been sent to the British Consul at Lisbon, to demand immediate reparation from Don MIGUEL for all the offences committed. inhis name against British subjects.
Prince TALLEYRAND had a courier in waiting last night at the House of Lords for the division. He was sent off to Calais as soon as it was known ; and it is presumed that, by telegraphic despatch from that town, the news would be known to the French Government before six o'clock this evening.