14 APRIL 1860, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (ClosingPrice .1 Sawed. Monday. heads* Wan's.

per Cent Consols Ditto for Accoun t 3 par Cents Reduced New 3 per Centa 'Annuities 1880 Annuities 1851 Bank Stock, 9 per Cent ' India Stock, 101 per.Cont 8:chequer Bills, 144. per diem Exchequer Bonds, 6001

:India Bonds 4"per Cent


94 93 93 171 225






93 941 941 921 924 941 941 921 93 91; 911 93 924


921 92/ 22$ 218 a 1211 223 13 13 I die. 12 4 12 5 shut 220 10 10 OBOCERIES. Tea, fionchong, fine, per lb. 24. Od. to 3.. Oct

Congou, One 2 0 - 2 6

Pekoe, Bowery 3 0 - 4 6

In hood-Duty R 6d. per lb.

Coffee,fine, in bond) cwt 80s. Od. to Us. Od.

Good Ordinary 59e. Od. to 62e. Od. Cocoa, Trinidad (in bond) 6Ss. Od. to 99s. Od. Rice, Ame. dr.Carolina 22e. Od. to 26s. ild. Sugar, Muscovado 'average.. Os. Od. West Indio Molasses 154. Od. to 18.. 84. POTATOES.

Kent and Essex Regents ton .120s. to 130..

„ /Mews 140 0 York Regents 150 -180

Scotch „ 110 - 130

Wheet,R. O 41 to 50 Fine 51 - 51

Red, New 40-47

Mae 48- 50 White Old 46 -52 Pine 53-55 New 42-49 Fine 50 to 53 Foreign,R 44 - 64 White F 68 -80 Rye 28 - 32 Barley 38 - 32 Malting 38 -44 Malt. Ord 65-18 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last °Metal Qaoliation during the Week media, Friday leasing.) Austrian. 5 .Ct. - Maclean der.a. Belgian 44 - $ -

Ditto 24 - 65 Peruvian 411 - Brazilian 6 - 100 Pertagosee 10/3 3 - Buenos Ayres 4 - - Russian I -

Chilton 6 - 102 Sardinian II - Danish 5 - - Spanish 8 -

Ditto I - - Ditto New Deferred 3 -

Duteh (Si. le Ouildere) .14 - 161 Ditto Push's

Ditto 4 - 1001 Torkish .. I - French 3 - - Venezuela s -

SHARES. Ilf 107 36 14 76

(Last Oficial thotatios daring Us BAgwArs-

Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Chester and Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinbargh and Glasgow Glasgow and South-Western

Great Northern

Great South. and west. Ireland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carbsle London, Brighton,& South Coast London and Blackwell London and Nora-Western London and So Western Manchester, Sts 14,& Lincoln Midland Midland GreetWelotern (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Derwick North-Eastern-Work Orford, Wor. a Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midis*, South Eastern gig Dover Eastern of Femme East Indian Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada Great Indian Peninsular Great Western of Canada Paris and Lyons


Australian Brasilion Imperial Ditto St. Jobe del Rey Cobra Copper Rhymney Iron 102 511 51 551



69f 104 2081 1121 Ulf efi 99*f 141G1 6- 11

73 431 871 35 101i 331 99 12 361

2- 3*


For the Week ending April 7. Wheat 47.. 94. Rye 314. 84.1 Barley 26 4 Becns 40 3 Oats 33 7 Peas 38 3

e week ending Friday Zemin.) Bonze-

Australasian British North American City Colonial Commercial of London Rail. Scotaa.• Australian Chid London London and Comity London Chrtd. link. of Australia London Joint Stock London and Westminster National Bank National Provincial New South Wales Oriental Ottoman Provincial of Ireland South Australia Union of Australia Union of London Unity


Rest and West India London St. Katherine Victoria


Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada Crystal Palace Electric Telegraph General Steam London Discount..

Nations 1 Discount Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian Fine 68 to 73 Peas, Hog 30- 35 Maple 36-35 White 33 -37 Blue " 0 0 Beans, Ticks 30-25 Harrow 37-44 SIX-WEEKS AVERAGE. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Weise. Wheat.... 45.. 9d. 1 Rye 32e. 1111, Barley .... 34 7 I Beans 39 7 Oats 23 4 . Peas 37 19 PROVISIONS.

Butter-Best Fresh, las. Od. dos. Carlow, Of. 0.. to Of. Os. per cwt.

Bacon. Irish per cwt. 634. - 641.

Cheese, Cheshire, One 78 U Derby, pale 70 71

Hams, York 74 - 8$ Eggs, Preach, per 120, 4s. 6d. to 5e. 6d.

ILIAD or CATVLS AT San CA:MI.1,1.1K WT. Monday. Thursday,

Beasts., 3,240 11114 Sheep- 18,870 5,270 Calves., 119 134

nee ... 330 100

MISCELLANEOUS. Jamaica Rum.... per gal. 4.. SS to

Brandy, Best Brands 10 0 - 1 Cotton, N. Orleans .per lb 0 44 - Saltpetre, Ref....per cwt 42 6 - 4

Guano, Pertivain.per ton 280 0 - Tallow P. Y. C.-per cwt 68 Town 611 Rape 011, English refined 41 Brown 39 4 -

Linseed 011 27 s - 76 Cocoa-nut 011 41 e - 4 Palm Oil El -

Linseed Oil-cake, per ton 210 20 - Coals Bettor, - - • Tees


Town -made per sack 43e. to 169•

Seconds 95 - 38 Essex and Suffolk, on hoard ship 34 - 36 Norfolk and Stockton 33 - 33 American per barrel 23 - 29 Canadian 25 - 30 Bread, 514. to 714. 14040). loaf.


114 631 1111 3121/

57f 44 17* 53* 47 111 $31 H


711 934 £28,389,340


BANE OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria,rap. 52. for the wool eliding on Wednesday the 11th day of April 1040. toms D TTTTTTTTT . Estes issued £25,389,340 Government Debt £11,016,100 Other Securities 3.455,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 13,914,340

silver Bullion exam Proprietors 'Capital £14,153,000 Rest 3,200,497 Public Deposita' 5,878,196 Other Deposits 14,670,717 Steen Days and other Bills 705,919 Government Seensities(laeles • ding Dead Weight Annuity). £9,726,941

Other Securities ' 23,634.3110

Notes 4,922.0116

Gold and Silver Cola 733,762

£38,908,178 l /311,908,1711 • /minding Exchequer,Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, and Div. Mete BULLION. s Per es.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Mexican Dollars 0 5 2* Silver in Bars, Standard 0 3 11 METALS. Per toe.

Copper, Brit. Cakes £112 0 0 .. £0 4 0 Iron, Welsh Bare-. 6 16 0 .. 7 II I Lead, British Pig ... 23 10 0 .. 24 $ Steel, Swedish Keg.. IS 0 0 .. 0 0 •

GRAIN, Mark Lane, April 13. s. 5.

Indian Corn. 35 to at Oats, Feed.. 10-95 Pia..... M-SS Poland $0-sor Potato.... ft -II Pins .... 28 -110


5. d. e. d e.4. s. d. .. d.

Beef... 2 6 to 3 6 to 4 0 .... 4 0 to 4 8 to 0 Mutton 4 0 - 4 4 - 4 10 .... 4 6-s - 10 Veal... 3 10 - 4 6 - 4 8 .... 4 - 5 4 - 10 Pork .. 4 0 - 4 4 - 5 0 .... 4 4 - 4 6 - 0 Lamb 0 0- 0 0- 0 0 .... 0 0- 0 0- 0 • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.

. HOPS. WOOL. Weald of Rent Pockets 62s. to 1121. Down Telte per lb. 2014. to 21d. Mid and East Kent ditto 80 140 Half•bred Welber. 18 - 0 Sussex ditto 62 - 76 Leicester Fleeces 17 - 19 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 Combing Skins 13 - A HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

• 1111.11IIELD. W IllTDCW1L. Cineezesee a. Hay, Good 78.. to Bb 80e. to 90e 91e. to 100e.

Inferior 60 - 70 0 - 0 70 88

New 0 - 0 0 - 0 o 0 Clover 90 - 110 53 - 110 100 - 110

Wheat Straw 27 - 34 28 - 33 32 - 35 . Id.

a 0



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