A Telegram From Paris, Dated Yesterday, Mentions, As A...
that the Cabinet of the Tuileries is about to address a memorandum to the Powers who signed the final act of Vienna. The aim of this memoran- dum is said to be to establish, by......
SATURDAY AFTERNOON. A well-informed Paris correspondent sends the following statements respecting the late Carlist insurrection in Spain. Paris ' Thursday evening. " In my......
A French Mail Steamer Coming From Messina To Marseilles...
the news that severe fighting was going on there on the 8th and 9th. One of the sailors who rowed the French postal agent from the shore to the steamer was wounded. Omer Pasha......
It is stated that Mr. James Wilde, Q.C., is to succeed to the vacant Judgeship. At a General Court of East India Proprietoi's, held on Wednesday, Colonel Sykes, M.P., and......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Stpck -Exchange has been chiefly occupied this week in preparations for the adjustment of the Consol account of last Wednesday, and the......
The Queen Again Inspected The Brigades In The Camp Of
Aldershot, on Thursday, and in the evening a large number of officers were her Ma- iesty's guests in the pavilion. The royal party returned yesterday morn mg to Windsor Castle.......