The Stpck -Exchange has been chiefly occupied this week in preparations for the adjustment of the Consol account of last Wednesday, and the Foreign account of Monday next. Business in the English Market has been of an extremely limited character, and quotations generally declined during the first part of the week. Money has again been in great demand ; and, as was generally anticipated, the Court of Directors yesterday raised the minimum rate of interest from 4/ to 5 per cent. The announcement on the " House," instead of depressing the markets, caused a slight rally in prices, and Con- sols closed in the afternoon firmer than at any time during the week. To- day, there is increased buoyancy, and Consols, after opening 94i 941, leave off 941 941 for May, and for Money 941 94i ; this shows a decline upon the week of about 1 per cent. Short loans on Government Securities have been at considerably lower rates, imparting a firm tone to the market. Bank Stock, 224 226 ; India Stock, 217 220 ; Rupee Five per Cents, 964 971; Reduced, and New Three per Cents, 94 93; Exchequer Bills, 8s. to Ms. prem. At the close, there is a slightly heavier tone in the English Market.
Foreign Securities have been chiefly influenced by the state of the Consol Market, and prices generally show a decline, though not of an extensive character. Mexican Bonds have fluctuated a good deal, finally leaving off 211 211 rather firmer. Turkish Stocks have been pressed upon the market, the respective quotations now being, for the Old Six per cents, 76 76/, and for the New Ditto, 611 611; Sardinian, 83 84 ; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93. Peruvian Stocks show the greatest depression, the Four-and-a-half per Cents closing 91 92, and the Three per Cent ditto, 69 70 ex. dividend ; Peruvian Uribarren, 82 831; and the Dollar Bonds, 80 82; Buenos Ayres remains 84 86, and the Three per Cent ditto, 24 25 ; Russian Five per Cent stationary, 107 109; Spanish, 46 46i • Portuguese, 42 43; Brazilian, 90 91; Grenada Active, 15 16 ; and the 'Deferred nominally 41 4f ; Vene- zuela dull at 261 264. Rates of continuation are considerably heavy this week.
There has been a more than average amount of business doing in the Railway Share Market, and quotations have undergone a good deal of va-
riation, the final prices, however, showing a decline all round. Midland Stock is last quoted, 1164 1171 ; Great Western, 69 691 • London and North-Western, 991 991 ; London and South-Western, 91; 921 ; Lanca- shire and Yorkshire, 1041 104f ; Cheater and Holyhead, 51 514 ; Berwick, 951 964 ; North British, 61 611- ; Great Northern Stocks have fallen about 2 per cent, the prices now are 112 114, and for the A Stock, 116 118 ; Cale- donian, 91 911, being at one time nearly 92; London and Brighton remains at 111 113; South-Eastern and Dover, 87f 881; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 411 421. This is the first " making up" day in shares, and con- tangos are rather heavy. French Shares are steady—Paris and Lyons and Northern of France good at 371, and 38 381 upon the announced dividend of 7 per cent on each. Lombardo-Venetian do not participate in the rise, as the call of 2/. is due on the 1st of May, the quotation is 11 lf prem. ; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26. Indian quiet, with a steady market, but the dearness of money prevents any material improvement—East Indian, 101k 102; Great Indian Peninsula, 94 991, Madras, 97/ 981; Bombay and Ba- rode, 97 98. Another bidding for the unallotted balance of the Victoria Six per Cent Loan is to take place, tenders to be received at the London and Westmin- ster Bank up to two o'clock on the 17th, the minimum price being 105; the quotation this afternoon in the market is 105 1054.
The Markets opened this morning with renewed firmness, , th w rmness operators being TWIT..TE the o'CLOCrlra being still purchasers for the rise. Console are quoted 944 4 for Money, and 941 f for May Account. The Share Markets generally firm.