14 APRIL 1860, page 18
The Englishwoman Nf Italy. * The Englishwoman In Italy Is A
book on which we may well congratulate both our own countrymen and the Italians because it tells for itself that it is written by one whom both parties may regard with......
Foitr Years In Bitrillie. *
Mn. Msaans.r.r. arrived at Maulmain, the capital of the Tenas- serim provinces, in the beginning of 1854, seven months after the • Four Year. in Burmah. By W. H. Marshall, Esq.,......
Publications Received.
.A.CADEMIC REFORM AND UNIVERSITY REPRIBENTATION, by James Heywood, F.R.S., &c., is a book containing above three hundred pages, which undertakes to exhibit some important......