14 APRIL 1877, Page 3

The Irish pedestrian has beaten the -American by ten miles

in a six days' walk,—Weston (the American) having walked in the eix days 510 miles, and O'Leary 520. O'Leary, a native of Cork, and now a naturalised citizen of the United States, is thirty-one years of age, and his rival, a true-born American, seven years older. The achievement is wonderful enough, so wonderful that one wishes it were not such a frightful waste of physical force on what will, in all probability, prove to be a walking-match against health as well as against time. The 20,000 spectators frequently present in the Agrioultual Hall were witnesses to the most deliberate destruction of what might have been available as brain-force, for a worthless though not evil end, that was ever cheered by enthusi- astic crowds. Only, of course, it took a little brain to know that this was a waste of brain.