14 APRIL 1877, page 3

On Tuesday, A Conference Convened By The Dissenters And The

Society with the long name,—" The Society for the Libera- tion of Religion from State Patronage and Control,"—was got together at the Westminster Palace Hotel on the Govern-......

The Irish Pedestrian Has Beaten The -american By Ten Miles

in a six days' walk,—Weston (the American) having walked in the eix days 510 miles, and O'Leary 520. O'Leary, a native of Cork, and now a naturalised citizen of the United......

Yesterday Week, In Reply To A Question From Mr. Forsyth,

the Home Secretary stated that his attention had been called to the frightful mishap in the execution at Leede,—when the rope broke, and ten minutes of suspense intervened......

Archdeacon Denison Is Getting On. He Has Long Been Quite

convinced that the Church was being persecuted by the State, but he is now evidently on the verge of the conviction that in the nature of things the Church ought to prevail......

Mr. Peter Taylor Moved On Tuesday A Resolution Against Flog-

ging in the Navy, and defended his position that flogging was quite unnecessary, and might be made an instrument of oppres- sion by a tyrannical officer, in a very able speech.......

Affairs In The Transvaal Begin To Look Serious. The...

has rejected the offer of confederation, and according to Sir T. Shepstone, quoted by Mr. Lowther on Monday, the Republic is in a state of complete anarchy. It is believed that......

The Archbishop Of Canterbury Has Replied To The Memorial...

by the Dean of St. Paul's and the other moderate High- Churchmen, to which we called attention last week, ma letter which fights shy of the representations that memorial......

The Manchester _guardian Recently Published Accounts Of...

Bosnia from a correspondent unusually acquainted with the affairs of the province, and Mr. Jenkins asked in the House if they were true. Mr. Bourke said he would inquire, and on......

Consols Were On Friday 95i.
