14 APRIL 1877, page 23

Mr. Maccoll On Turkey.*

THIS is a pamphlet of 500 pages, rather than a book, but it is an invaluable pamphlet. A strong sympathy with the Christians of the East, so oppressed for ages, has induced Mr.......

Current Literature.

The British Quarterly Review. April. (Hodder and Stoughton.)— The essay entitled " Reform in Turkey and Coercion" is an able resume" e the recent history and present condition......

A Visit To Japan, China, And India. By Robert Nicholas

Fowler, MA., F.R.G.S., F.S.A. (Sampson Low and Co.) — The modest dimensions of Mr. Fowler's book are a sufficient indication of the author's intention in writing it, namely, not......

In The Levant. By Charles Dudley Warner. (osgood And Co.,

Boston, U.S.; Triibner, London.)—We have seen before some of Mr. Warner's notes and impressions of travel, and have found in them the charm of vivacity and humour. This volume......