14 AUGUST 1880, Page 1


THE news from. Afghanistan this week is decidedly favourable. Ayoub Khan has followed the example of Mabommed Jan, in not pushing his success. As late as August 8th, Khelat-i- Ghilzai had not been attacked, and the garrison was confident in their power to hold the fortress. Candahar itself, so far as we know, is not yet besieged, though Ayoub was, at the last advices, within a march of it. General Roberts has set out from Cabal on his march westward, and has hitherto encountered no serious difficulties. General Phayre has strongly fortified the Khojak Pass, and the reliefs are coming up from Bombay. General Primrose, with a force of 3,000 men, is sanguine of being able to resist any assault that Ayoub can deliver on Candahar ; and, best of all, General Stewart has withdrawn from Cabul towards Gundamuck, leaving, apparently, a friendly people behind him, and Abdarrahman Khan grateful for our aid, and still more grateful for our departure, without which he could not have long remained in favour with the Afghan people.