MR. BROWNING'S NEW IDYLS.* THERE is nothing in this series of Dramatic Idyls so striking as " Ivan Ivimovitch," in the series published last year, and hardly anything, we think,......
"the Friends Of Greece."
(TO THE EDITOR OF "SPECTATOR. ") Sin, The friends of Greece have got to stand by her now, or she will hue rather than gain by their recent diplomatic support. allude, more......
Wordsworth And "rejected Addresses."
(TO THE EDITOR OR THE "SPECTATOR. "] 81H, — Will you allow me to point out that in your admirable article on Wordsworth in last week's issue, you do the Brothers Smith an......
God, And Ideas Of God. [to The Editor Or The
"SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Mr. Murphy asks, with reference to my letter of July 22nd, "Is the child's father nothing more to the child than the child's own idea of his father!" There is......