The Beginnings. By H. P. Malet. (triibner And Co.)—the...
has dealt with the subject of cosmogony in previous works, and has, we believe, provoked a good deal of ridicule. It appears that he rejects the nebular hypothesis of Laplace,......
Tourist's Guide To The County Of Sussex. By George F.
Chambers, F.R.A.S. Second edition. (E. Stanford.)—We are glad to welcome a new edition of Mr. Chambers's serviceable guide. It contains much matter within a small compass, and......
The Fair-haired Aida. By Florence Marryat. (samuel...
de Beriot is one of the least deserving young women with whom novel-readers have been called upon to sympa- thise of late. She is even more utterly devoid of delicacy, of prin-......
Owl And Interesting Matter. There Is, For Instance, Both In
English and Latin, the account by one Peter Johnson of the burning of the steeple of old St. Paul's in 1561. It is interesting to observe that the plumbers, who doubtless are......
Cardinal Newman's Pincerna.*
THIS is not the first time that an effort has been made to adapt the Comedies of Terence in mum pueroram. The learned Jesuit Joseph Jouvency, a French scholar whose life nearly......
Current Literature.
Election Speeches in 1879 and 1880. With an Address to the Electors of North-East Lancashire. By the Right Hon. the Marquis of Hartington, M.P. (C. Regan Paul and Co.)—The......
A Fireside King. By Georgiana M. Stisted. (tinsley...
is difficult to believe that any writer can have continued to be in a rage during all the time that must have been consumed in the pro- duction of a novel in three volumes. But......