Celebrated Travela and Travellers. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth
Century. Translated from the French of Jules Verne. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This is the second volunie of the series in which M. Verne has undertaken the task of telling the history of travel from the earliest down to the most recent times. Of the first part of the volume, about half is devoted to the three voyages of Captain Cook. This is followed by a chapter on "French Navi- gators," among whom the most distinguished name is that of La Perouse. " African Explorers " have a chapter devoted to them ; another deals with Asia ; and in a fourth, the name of Hum- boldt is conspicuous. M. Verne writes with his usual force and picturesqueness, but without permitting his feeling for incident and effect to draw him away from the leading of his authorities.