The Burials Bill passed its second reading on Thursday night
in the House of Commons by an enormous majority,-258, against 79. We regret to say that Mr. Osborne Morgan, in his able speech on moving the second reading, did not propose any change in the words " Christian and orderly service." We hope that some good Liberal, who is also a good Christian, will move to substitute the word " or " for " and," and will urge the change in the interests of Christianity. What in the world
can it hurt anybody that Theists, Positivists, or Secularists should have free right to express their own sentiments round the graves of their friends, without being guilty of the hypocrisy of calling themselves Christian, when they are not Christian P And how much may it not hurt Christianity, to be sustained in the invidious monopoly of an unnecessary privilege, which does Christians no good, and excites prejudice against them in the
minds of the ignorant !