SIR,—The wholesale arrests in South Africa of leading opponents of
apartheid are further proof of a growing disregard for Christian prin- ciple in human relationships. That there seems to have been so little sense of outrage in this country may be partly because of our concern over the Hungarian and Suez disasters; but it is also, I suspect, evidence of a growing insensi- tivity in face of tyranny and human suffering.
The majorit of the victims of this latest action of the South African Government are Africans whose dependants will suffer dire hardships while their bread-winners are kept in prison. Christian Action has established a fund to provide for the legal defence of these vic- tims and to give aid where it is needed to their dependants.
Please send a donation to this fund. Here is an opportunity of expressing not only good- will to those for whom, this year, Christmas will be a time of increased hardship and deep sorrow, but also our devotion to Him who by His lowly birth took upon Himself the sin and the suffering of the world..
Send your gift to The Secretary, Christian Action, 2 Amen Court, London, EC4.—Yours 2 Amen Court, London, EC4