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(RECORDING COMPANIES: D. DeCat ; DT, Ducretet-Thomson; OL, Oiseau Lyre; T, Tclefunkcn; V, Vox.) BEETHOVEN: The new Eroica by Kleiber (D) is disappointing. His tempo in the first......
Contemporary Arts
Science and Plum-pudding ONE of the staring needs of television at this moment is a good science programme. With all the entirely correct rumpus that is being created by Dr.......
To The Life
Gervaise. (Cameo-Polytechnic.) Red CUMENT'S Gervaise, the film version of Zola's L'Assommoir, should become a classic example of where—and how far— realism in the cinema can be......
Two Edwardians
IN recent years the picture of English art between 1900 and 1914 has been clarified by a number of exhibitions, several of them arranged by the Arts Council, and their present......