Cardinal Newman's Autobiographical Writings Are Reviewed...
Mr. Christopher Hollis. This extract from the book is perhaps worth recording : October 1817. A.C.N.XIII. Me invitat Hollis vinum compotare secum. Heu! nunc omni cura et......
On Sunday The Free Speech Team On Commercial Television W 99
not allowed to discuss Suez because of this week's debate on 0, subject in the House of Lords. The fourteen-day rule, whi t ; " prevents wireless and television discussion of......
T He Debut Of Minou Drouet In London Has Led Me
to read S me of her poems during the last few days. I was un acquainted with them before, and, after looking at them tor a bit, came to the conclusion that, strictly on internal......
Cementing The Commonwealth
BY J. GRIMOND, MP URING the years when an Israel-Arab war seemed ) all too likely there was no Commonwealth policy adequate to meet the situation. When Israel was known , t ° be......
A Bostonian And The Son Of Two Amateur Painters, Mr.
Herter may be expected to show a more sophisticated under- standing of the European scene than Mr. Hoover has done.' (Pile Times Washington Correspondent.) Quite . . . * * *......
`now The Tories Are Neither Hated Nor Feared . .
. they do not merit the trouble of a kicking. . . . History will recall of them that they were without courage, without principle, and without honesty.' (The Spectator, April 4,......