14 DECEMBER 1956, Page 16


SIR,—What interests me, but seems never to be mentioned by anybody, about Lloyd George's despatch box and its contents is this :

What reason or evidence is there that Lloyd George himself did not sec the paper that was burnt by his zealous secretary? It appears that the despatch box was being checked before return when the burning took place. Are we

to assume it was never opened when it arrived? That no one had any duty to 9° through a box containing perhaps vital matters without delay? That if they had they did nel show the paper to the one person who should have seen it?

1 knoiv nothing of this matter, and perhaPs, the answer has been made, but if so 1 shout°, like to be referred to it, for it is Lloyd George's honesty, not that of Mr. J. T. Davies or Lady Lloyd George, that is of interest to

me.—Yours faithfully, A. A. nustoS1 7 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, WC2