THE negotiations between the Irish factions, have broken down. Mr. Parnell announced the fact to the world on Thursday by publishing a letter, dated February 11th, to Mr. O'Brien, in which he regretted that it had been impossible For him to consider national interests sufficiently " safe- guarded," and therefore to feel that he might resign the trust -4` which I have accepted at the hands of our nation and our race." The seal of confidence must not be broken, but " I have done everything in my power, consistent with the national interests, to promote the cause of peace." He regrets, however, to " have perceived within the last few days that there exists in some quarters, and those quarters from which such a. spirit might be least expected, a spirit byeathing the deadliest hostility to that of peace." That is a bit at the Catholic prelates ; and Mr. Parnell has further told an interviewer that he will not resign under compulsion, whether from Englishmen or film the Catholic Church He intends, it is stated, to address audiences in Ireland .every Sunday, and the fight clearly will bo of the bitterest hind, though his tongue will he hampered by one con- sideration. His real antagonists will be the priesthood, Healy and Co. being comparatively a negligable quantity ; and be cannot scold the priests. The Irish Catholics may resist clerical teaching, though we doubt it, but they have never endured insult to the clerical order.