" Ivanhoe."
[To rue EDITOR OF Tula " SPROTikTOR."] : SIR, — Rising from the perusal of your admirable notice of Ivanhoe, I lighted upon the following entry in Sir Walter Scott's "Journal,"......
Wineless Dinners.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THO "SPECTATOR." zSin,—Your terse and timely article on this subject in the Spectator of February 7th, reminds me of an incident recently wecorded somewhere of......
Books For The Blind,
pro rue EDITOR OF TRH SPECTATOR, "] ;Stn.,—In addition to printed books, we have had embossed by hand over one thousand different works, including Shake- speare, Dickens, Green,......
THE ENGLISH WATER-COLOURISTS. THERE has been brought together at the Academy this winter a historical collection of English water-colours, ranging from Paul Sandby to Frederick......
Wesleyan Modesty.
[To MR EDITOR OP TILE "SPECTATOR." SIR,—A letter of no importance in itself may sometimes: gather a fictitious importance from the fact of its admission• into a paper of high......