14 FEBRUARY 1891, page 23

The Light Of Other Days. By Willert Beale (walter Maynard.)

2 vols. (Bentley and Sons.)—The "Light" is "seen," says the writer, "through the wrong end of an opera-glass." This explains the nature of his book. The author tells us about......

Miss Pringle's Pearls. By Mrs. G. Linnaeus Banks....

and Co.)—Mrs. Banks reminds us a little of Maria Edgeworth. This story especially has much of the simple and homely charm which we have been accustomed to find in the "Moral......

Marylebone And St. Pancras. By George Clinch. (truelove...

Marylebone," according to Mr. Clinch, is " Mary-le- bourne," the old church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, having given place early in the fifteenth century to one......

Philosopher Dick : Adventures And Contemplations Of A New...

Shepherd. 2 vols. (Fisher Unwin.)—This book is not one which can be easily placed under any accepted literary heading with any assurance of accuracy in classification ; but we......

The Honourable Miss. By L. T. Meade. 2 Vols. (methuen

and Co.)--Mre. Meade has a decided taste for plots which she is not able, wo suppose, to gratify as she would wish in the tales which she commonly writes. She has found an......

The Rise Of Christendom. By Edwin Johnson, M.a. (kogan Paul,

Trench, and Co.)—The Jesuit Father Hardouin put forth the strange hypothesis that all the classical writers were forgeries of mediaeval monks. This lead was followed not many......

Studies In Pessimism. A Series Of Essays By Arthur Schopen-

hauer. Selected and translated by T. Bailey Saunders, M.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—A reader may certainly got a good idea of what Schoponhauer thought from this little......

The Fathers Of Biology. By Charles Mcrae, M.a. (percival And

Co.)—Mr. McRae is quite right when he says that students of science have " a tendency to imaging that the facts with which they are now being made familiar have all been......