[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The following paragraph appeared in the Times of January 28th :— "During the hearing of a case which came before the magistrates at the Warrington Borough Police Court, at the instance of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, it was stated that a boy of three and a half years was found by the Society's inspector in a place where coal was stored. His body was naked, and his hands were tied behind him. His back was a mass of bruises, with lacerations from a buckle, and his face was badly discoloured. Evidence was given that after shameful beating and ill-treatment the child's hands were tied behind him while the parents went out for several hours. The magistrates considered it a shocking case of cruelty, and both the man and the woman responsible were . given the maximum sentence of six months' imprisonment."
Is it a legal necessity that this little boy be returned to his inhuman parents at the close of their inadequate term of punishment ?
If it is possible to rescue the child from the probable recur- rence of such brutality, I shall be grateful for information as to what steps may be taken.—! am, Sir, &c.,
120 Warwick Street, S.W. 1. JESSIE II. HAM.ILTON.