We Publish Elsewhere An.. Interesting Letter From Mr....
regard to his Scheme. Here we must notice the very powerful plea for " All-in " Insurance made by Sir Edwin Stockton in a long and very important letter in the Times of Tuesday.......
An Important Meeting Of The Council Of The Second Or
" Amsterdam " International Federation of Trade Unions took place at the end of last week. The British delegation, fresh from its visit to Russia, moved a resolution urging the......
We Most Sincerely Trust That The Government Will Not Give
its support to the Private Members' Bill interfering with the internal rules of the Trade Unions in respect of the political levy, with which we are threatened. It is proposed......
With This Speech May Be -coupled The Very Able Utter-
ances of Sir Kingsley Wood, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health. In one of them at Chelsea he hammered in, the esscntial "Are the slum dweller and his family......
Mr. Neville Chamberlain's Speech On Housing At Plymouth...
not only showed statesman- ship and common sense, but a deep sense of the terrible evils of the house famine. After a well- deserved eulogy of Mr. Clynes and Mr. Frank Hodges......
The Comparatively New State Of Yugo-slavia Has Just Held Its
elections. The issue there is really between the Centralist Party and the Federalist Party. The Cen- tralists, who have been in power ever since the format ion of the State,......
The Daily Express Of Wednesday Published' A Statement...
National Light Castings Association, "controlling practically all the ironfounding trade of the country, have by a stroke of the pen raised the prices of nearly every form of......