News Of The Week
O UR first two leading articles are devoted to the two principal events of the week, namely, the presen- tationlast Saturday of the British Note to France on the subject of the......
The Reassembling Of -parliament Marks The Resumption 'a...
end of that curious lull 'which has followed two of the most crowded political years on record. Our Parliamentary Correspondent predicts that the session, will be a momentous......
But How In The Name Of All That Is Sane
can Germany remain peaceful and contented when she sees the Rhine provinces in the hands of France and secs France in effect forcing the British to 'continue occupying the......
The Comparatively New State Of Yugo-slavia Has Just Held Its
elections. The issue there is really between the Centralist Party and the Federalist Party. The Cen- tralists, who have been in power ever since the format ion of the State,......
" Editorial And Publishing Offices: 13 York Street,...
London, W. C. 2.— A Subscription to The "Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage to any part of the world. The Postage on this issue is: Inland, ld.;......
Suppose France Were To Take The Lead In Proposing That
Austria, including, of course, the Tyrol, should be allowed, if she so desires, to enter the German Confederation. That might nominally increase German strength, but, as a......
A Word, However, Must Be Said Here As To The
French claim that we should somehow meet her demand for security. Our own feeling is strongly in favour of France acquiring security, mid a security as absolute as possible.......