REJUVENATION. By Norman Haire, Ch.M., M.B. (Allen and Unwin. 7s.
6d. net.) Dn. NORMAN HAIRE is the chief English authority upon experiments in rejuvenation, and in this book he surveys the work of Steinach, Voronoff, and others, and gives details of his own cases. There has been much misrepresentation of the subject in the popular Press, and probably not one Englishman in a thousand has any knowledge of the theory of rejuvenation or of the methods employed. "Only the minority of workers," Dr. Haire reminds us, "transplant glands at all. Professor Eugen Steinach, of Vienna, is the most important authority in this field, and his researches have nothing to do with the transplantation of the glands of monkeys or of any other animals into human beings." After a very fair and complete summary of case-histories, he concludes that operations for rejuvenation are often useful and never harmful.