The settlement of the January Comol account chiefly occupied the atten- tion of dealers in the English Market during the early part of the week. Console, after opening on Monday 951 95f, were at the close of the day 95a 95k; the following day there was it further decline to 951 951 and 951 951 for the 8th February. Various causes have been assigned for the pre- sent heaviness, all more or less of a political character, but it is more rea- sonable, looking at the real aspect of affairs, to attribute the decline to an increased demand for accommodation, continental demands, no immediate prospect of arrivals of specie sufficient to meet those demands, and an opin- ion that the Bank Directors will immediately raise the minimum rate of in- terest. Exchanges have likewise been reported unfavourable for our mar- kets: these facts have certainly had more influence than anything new in the political world. Consols today have been alternately buyers and sellers at 951 • leaving off 951 for February, and 954 95 New Three per Cents and Reduced both 95/ 9 a; India Debentures (18.58 and 1859), 981 981.
Operations in Foreign Securities have been very limited and quotations exhibit slight, alteration. Buenos Ayres, 84 86 ; Uribarren Peruvian, 81 82; and Venezuela, 27 271 are now each ex. dividend. Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 22 23; Turkish Six per Cents are firmer, 78 781 for the Old and 65 651 for the New. Sardinian has been quiet and leaves off 841 851, with Victor Emmanuel steady at 92 93; Russian Five per Cents, 109 110; Peru- vian Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 941 951; Ditto Three per Cents, 71 72; Ditto the Dollar Bonds, 81 82; the latter price is merely nominal. Elexican continues firm, 221 22k; Spanish, 44 44k; Portuguese, 44 441.
Railway Shares have nearly all experienced a decline this week of about 308. per share. The fall is mainly owing to sympathy with Consols and speculation for the time being checked. Great Western, 698 691; Lon- don and North-Western, 981 981; London and South Western, 97i 98; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1011 1011; Midland, 1091 110. The approach of the usual half-yearly meetings tends to check any extensive transactions. Berwick closes 931 94; Calededonian, 941 94k; London and Brighton, 1141 1151 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 281 39k; Eastern Counties, 561 561 ; North Stafford, 31 31; South Eastern and Dover, 841 85. The French Market is steady, but has not improved during the week ; the ex- pected good dividend in Lombardo-Venetian, although producing a good effect, has not raised the price, the last being 21 21; Paris and Lyons, 361 37; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26; Northern of France, ex. div., 361 37; Southern, 20 21, ex. div. Indians rather weaker ; purchasers for the dividends having been tempted to retire, and iuvesters having kept aloof by attention being drawn to the vast quantity of the securities. Great Indian Peninsula, 101 102; East Indian, 1031 104; Madras, 100 101; Bombay and Baroda, 991 mi. The New Turkey Bank since the allotment has had a serious decline, having been at one time negociated at 1- discount, the last quotation being 1 / discount. The allot- ment letters of the New Canada Loan have been issued today. Upon the whole a good deal of business has been negotiated, and the price is well maintained at 21 21 premium. San Paulo Railway (Brazilian), I / dis- count. Several new companies have been lately introduced ; among the 'number are the London Brewery Company, quoted 1 premium ; Isle of Wight Hotel, 11 premium ; Rio Janeiro Drainage, h premium ; St. Elina Mining Company (Mexico) I 1 premium.
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Sletoria,, ap.92. for the week endin g on Wednesday the 11th day of .1 anuary Mint nertaTuast.
gotestssued 130,002,093 Government Debt E11,015,100
Other Securities 3.458,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13,517,060 Silver Bullion Proprietors 'Capital Rest 3,250,728
Public Deposits. 5,034,925
Other Deposits 15,543,465 Seven Daysand other Bills 812,439 £39,724,561 135,724,501
• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks,Commissioners o f National Debt, and Di,. met. SA-17JEDAV, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The Consol Market after opening 951 buyers in consequence of a favour- able Bank return and higher Paris quotations, has returned to 951 upon pressure of sales. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are without altera- tion. There is very little doing throughout the House."
430,002,080 /30,002,060
LI4,553,000 Government Seeuritiel r, Inclu-
ding Dead Weigh t Annuity). 410,28.1,822 108112.830 8,170,740 657,065 Other Securities Motes Gold and Sliver Coln