Election Intelligence.
Mr. Atherton, the new Solicitor-General, was reelected for Durham on Monday without opposition. He declared strongly for reform, including the ballot, was not sanguine touching......
At Home We Have The Standing Subjects, But They Appear
in a more animated aspect. The Reform Bill, Mr. Bright at Bir- mingham, Dr. Cullen, Mr. Pope Hennessy, two Parliamen- tary elections—these, or incidents very like them, have......
We Have One Of The Most Concise And Eloquent Messages
to the American Congress that has ever emanated from the head of the American Republic. It is remarkable for its direct speaking, even upon the most delicate subjects, and for......
Volunteer Memora.nda.
The movement has not in the least degree slackened. Gradually ne,w corps are springing up, and the number enrolled cannot be far .from 100,000. The farmers of Huntingdonshire......