The Calcutta Mail To The 10th Of December Arrived In
London yester- day. The main facts have been anticipated. But it is stated that since Mr. Wilson appeared at Calcutta the salt-duty had been increased, and the Income-tax bill......
Doctor Vries. Commonly Known As The "black Doctor," Has Been
sentenced by the Court of Police Correctionnelle to imprisonment for fifteen months and a fine of 500 francs, for swindling and for the illegal practice of swindling.......
Mr. Burford's Panorama Of Venice From The Piazza Of St.
Mark was privately exhibited yesterday. It is an admirable panorama, and will no doubt attract the attention it deserves.......
The declaration of the British Roman Catholic laity, published some time since, has called forth an admirable letter from Sir John Simeon. It is dated from Swainston in the Isle......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The settlement of the January Comol account chiefly occupied the atten- tion of dealers in the English Market during the early part of the......
General Beatson Is Prosecuting An Action For Libel In The
Court of Ex- chequer against Mr. Skene, now Consul at Aleppo. The case was partly heard yesterday.......
SA21111.DAY AFTERNOON. We have communications from Paris and Turin, each throwing some light upon the most interesting points in the present state of foreign affairs. Our Paris......