14 JULY 1906, Page 1

Affairs in Natal look more hopeful this week. The outbreak

at Mapumulo, after the close of the Nkandhla operations, was so unexpected and apparently causeless that it disquieted many who bad hitherto been optimistic in their forecasts. But Mesini's impis have been scattered, Mesini himself has surrendered, and the columns are now engaged in sweeping operations through that district. It is generally believed that while isolated outbreaks are possible, all fears of a general rising may be dismissed. We may note that on the Rand there has been much uneasiness due to the fact that native servants have taken to warning their mis- tresses of a coming revolt, and begging them to retire to a place of safety. This is believed to be the work of Natal natives, and the police do not take it seriously. But it is clear that everywhere in South Africa there is a feeling of unrest, one of those racial movements which may come to little, but which must always make statesmen anxious because of the profound obscurity of the data.