14 JULY 1906, page 2

On Friday Week The House Of Commons, On The Motion

of Mr. Swift MacNeill, discussed the recent conduct of Mr. Justice Grantham. Mr. MacNeill declared that the Judge had allowed political prejudice to bias his judgment, and by......

On Thursday Mr. Haldane Explained His Plans For Army Reform

to the House of Commons in a speech memorable for its power and lucidity even more than for its length, which, however, approached the record of modern days. We have dealt at......

In The House Of Lords On Monday, On The London

County Council (Money) Bill, Lord Camperdown raised a valuable discussion on the financial policy of the Council. He criticised severely many of its undertakings, such as the......

The Organisation Of The Expeditionary Force Goes, And In...

to the formation of the County Associations to help in the work of developing the Territorial Army, we approve. We assume, however, that we have a right to understand from Mr.......

The Chief Incident Of Importance In The Debates On The

Educa- tion Bill in the Commons this week took place in connexion with a concession made by Mr. Birrell on Clause X., which gives the local education authority power to use......

In The Debate Which Followed Mr. Haldane's Speech A Good

deal of hostile criticism was developed on both sides of the House. Mr. Arnold-Forster, while he rejoiced at the economy, regretted the way in which it was to be brought about.......