Hospitals And The Manufacture Of Paupers.
ITO THY EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Your article No. VII. of the series on " The Manufacture of .Paupers " in your issue of July 7th is entitled " The Hospitals," and is......
Bull-fights In France.
(To TUE EDITOR OP TRH "SP learATon.1 SIR,—Mr. Richard Davey in your last issue shows that the Church of Rome has for three hundred years condemned bull- fighting. It is......
[to The Editor Ow Thy " Spectator...i Sir, — In Your...
article of last week upon the Royal Commission you make a not unusual, but unhappy, slip when you say that the clergyman is bound to obey his Bishop. But the Ordination vow......
Conference Of Church Of England Laymen.
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The following details as to the Conference of members of the Church of England which is to be held at the Caxton Hall, Westminster, on......