In the Court of King's Bench, on Tuesday, Lord Denman
dis- charged the rule which had been obtained by Mr. Gully, M.P., for a new trial of an action in which Mr. Ridsdale had obtained a verdict against him of 50U/. damages as compensation for an assault. His Lordship said, the Jury had taken a stronger view of the case than the court, but he would not disturb the verdict.
On Thursday, the rule against Mr. Robert Franks, for the author- ship of some articles published in the Sunday Herald, and alleged to be libels on Mr. De Mole, Clerk to the Merchant Tailors Company, was made absolute ; after a long speech for the defendant, by Mr. Hill.
The Lord Mayor was employed on Thursday in the examination of William Jackson, the man who was chief agent in the assault and ab- duction of Noiris, the cal inetsnaker, some weeks ago. It will be re- collected that Norris was thrust into a hackney-coach by some men, one of whom was described as tall, and wearing mustachios. The prisoner is supposed to he the man ; and as he also answers to the de- scription of one of the persons suspected of being concerned in the rob- bery' of the Bungay Bank, the Police have been for some time in search of him ; and at length succeeded in arresting him, in the neigh- bourhood of Hanway Street, Oxford Street, where Norris's parents live. There appears to be little doubt of the prisoner being the robber; and that he has in turn been robbed by some one, whom he suspects to be young Norris. This accounts for his attempt to seize the latter. He had been lodging for some time at the elder Norris's house, though Mrs. Norris denied having any recollection of him. The Lord Mayor remanded the prisoner; and advised the woman Norris to brighten up her recollection, as he knew a great deal of what he was perfectly aware she knew also. It was suspected that this woman hail money eancealul in bar stays : she was searched, but none was