William I:aker, A Customhouse Officer, Was Brought Before...
Street Magistrates on Tuesday, charged with having set his dog at some boys who were bathing in the Thames. The dog, a fierce mastiff, plunged into the water, and seized a lad......
The Kling And Queen Have Hceir Chtertoining A Numerous...
of distinguished viaiters at Windsor dui ing the week. A loraig them are the Voteless of Kent and the Princess Victoria, Prince George of Cambridge, the Dutchess of......
In The Court Of King's Bench, On Tuesday, Lord Denman
dis- charged the rule which had been obtained by Mr. Gully, M.P., for a new trial of an action in which Mr. Ridsdale had obtained a verdict against him of 50U/. damages as......
Chic Cottutri).
Oxford has been crowded during the week, with people of all ranks who flocked to see the grand ceremony of the installation of the Duke of Wellington as Chancellor of the......
Chit Agictroptiiid.
4• Theyoundation.stone of the Brixton Almshouses, to be erected in ism commemoration of the passing of the Reform Act, was laid on Satur- day, by Lord John Russell. The number......