The House Of Commons Has Been Occupied This Week With
seve- ral measures of importance. Sore of the principal clauses of the Poor-Law Amendment Bill have been discussed and agreed to. An alteration of a questionable nature has been......
There Has Been Some Severe Fighting In The Northern...
of Spain, terminating in the defeat of the Carlists. The wife of ZUMALACARREGUY tied to Bordeaux, where the families of many of the insurgent chiefs were also expected. The......
Some Alarming Reports Were Circulated Here On Thursday,...
troubles having broken out in Lisbon, the revolt of the army, the escape of MIGUEL, and other disasters; but they were al- most entirely destitute of foundation. It appears that......
The Elections In The United States, As We Learn From
good au- thority, are going against the President. In addition to the oppo- sition of the mercantile interests, which his attack on the Bank and its consequences have provoked,......
The Shadow Of Independence Has Departed From The Free City
of Frankfort. The command of the troops of the little territory, in obedience to the decree of the German Diet, has been delivered to the Austrian General PIRET. The excuse for......
The Candidates For Seats In The New French Chamber Of
Depu- ties, are busy canvassing the constituencies. Recent accounts confirm those previously received, of the probability of three fourths at least being elected from the......
Elder% Nub Proccritingl In Parliament.
I. POOR-LAWS AMENDMENT BILL. When Lord ALTHORP, on Monday, moved that the House of Corn- moos should go into Committee on this bill, Mr. COBBETT moved—. " That before the House......