The Council of the Birmingham Political Union assembled in full
force on Tuesday evening last, at their rooms in Great Charles Street ; when, after considerable discussion on the state of public opinion with regard to political affairs, the following minute and resolution were, with one dissentient, adopted.
" This Council, professing to represent the interests and opinions of the lower and middle classes of the people, and having always regarded the restoration of the liberty and prosperity of those classes as the main object of their labours ; and in the prosecution of this great work having honestly discharged their duty to the best of their abilities, undismayed by either difficulties or dangers; and looking back with satisfaction upon the part they have taken in promoting a Reform in the Representation of the People, but most sincerely regretting that that Reform has been insufficient to produce the beneficial effects which they contemplated, and still more regretting that the existing state of the public mind and of circumstances does not afford the present means of producing a further and more beneficial Re- form ; and this Council considering, that as good subjects and good citizens, it is their bounden duty carefully to abstain from all rash or useless proceedings ; and considering also, that the unhappy discords which have latterly broken out in many parts of the kingdom between the middle and lower classes of the people render any combined operations for their mutual benefit extremely difficult, or altogether impossible ; considering these things, the Council of the Birmingham Political Union has resolved- " That it is expedient that the proceedings of this Council, and of the Political Union, should be suspended for the present."
Three of the principal mills in Leeds-those of Messrs. Gott and Sons, Messrs. James Brown and Co., and Messrs. Sheepshanks and Co.-were brought to a stand last week ; and the masters iiiformed their workmen that they must all sign the declaration proposed by the Masters' Committee, renouncing their connexion with the Trades Union, or they must leave their employment. Nearly all the men in the inanu- factory of Messrs. Gott and Sons, namely, about 240, have signed the adeclaration, and have gone to work : the workmen of the other two establishments almost unanimously determined to join their fellow- unionists; and thus the turn-outs in Leeds lire considerably augmented. It is estimated that the number of workpeople in the establishments which have required a signature of the declaration is 6000; of whom about 1500, or one fourth, have signed, and are now at work.
The woollen manufacturers of Halifax have imitated the example of those at Leeds, and have required their men to sign a declaration aban- doning the Trades Union. The refusal of the men to do this has brought twenty-five mills to a stand, and of course great numbers of workmen are out of employ.
We understand that an action has been commenced by Mr. John Ivan Briscoe, M.P., as Lord of the Manor, for trespass committed in running races, and erecting booths, on the Epsom Downs; the Lord contending that there is no prescriptive, or other sufficient title to do so. No pains or expense will be spared in resisting the claim thus roade.-Esser Mercury.
On Tuesday afternoon, as Mr. C. Powell junior, of Upper Harley Street, was riding on Ascot Heath, during the races, his horse became restive, and threw him on the ground before a gentleman's carriage which was passing at a rapid rate, the wheels of which passed over his neck and body. The unfortunate gentleman was immediately removed into a booth, and surgical assistance promptly procured ; but all endeavours to restore animation proved ineffectual.
During the present week, at Oxford, hot-house grapes have been selling at 10s. a pound, and peaches at 21. 14s. a dozen.
A Quaker, extensively engaged in the corn and flour trade, is said to have decamped from Bath to America with upwards of 10,0001. of his creditors' money.