The appointment of Mr. ROBERT GRAFT to the lucrative Go-
vernorship of Bombay, which is expected soon to take place, will cause a vacancy in the representation of the borough of Finsbury. We learn from the Morning Chronicle, that Mr. THOMAS GIBSON has been announced as a candidate to succeed Mr. GRANT. We regret this ; for, without meaning to speak disparagingly of that gentleman's qualifications, we cannot think that his claims to represent the borough can fairly be put in competition with those of Mr. RABBAGE, who received more than 2,:' 3 votes at the last election; and out of five candidates stood the third on the po". That Mr. RABBAGE is admirably qualified to represent an independent and enlightened constituency, no one can doubt: he was in possession of the field long before Mr. GIBSON appeared ; and we trust that the electors of Finsbury) will at least clearly ascertain that he will not come forward again, before promising their votes to any other Liberal candidate.