14 JUNE 1884, Page 3

The foundation-stone of the new House of Parliament for Germany

was laid in Berlin on Monday with extraordinary ceremony. The Emperor was present, all the Ambassadors, the Princes of the Imperial House, Prince Bismarck, and all the grandees of Germany. The Chancellor read the address which is to be buried in the foundations, and which announces to all mankind that, "owing to the glorious successes in arms of the united German tribes, the German Empire has re-arisen in undreamed-of splendour,'' and hopes that the building "may be for evermore a symbol of the indissoluble bonds which in great and glorious days united German lands and races, and made -them the German Empire." If the Empire is truly repre- sented by its symbol, the Empire will be hollow—for though the German Parliament House will doubtless arise in all its grandeur, where is the German Parliament? It is a mere registering body for the decrees of one man, who, even while asking its sanction, declares that he does not believe in Parlia- mentary government, and that the Emperor, not Parliament, is the pivot of power. The Germans are a little moved by an untoward incident at the ceremonial. The representative of Bavaria handed the trowel to the Emperor to spread the cement on the stone, but before his Majesty could grasp it the instru- ment fell. There was, however, no misadventure with the hammer. It is cohesion which is to be wanting to the Empire, not force. tibia omen, however ; and may the Parliament House of Germany when completed have life in it.