14 JUNE 1884, page 25

Current Literature.

The Historical Monuments of France. By James F. Runnewelf. (James R. Osgood, Boston ; Trlibuer and Co., London.)—This work, which, as touching print, paper, binding, and......

Cheshire Gleanings. By William A. Axon. (tubbs, Brook,...

Manchester; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., London.)—Cheshire Gleanings does not answer to its title so well as the " Lancashire Gleanings" of the same writer. Some of the sketches,......

Associate With His Style. His First Three Chapters Are, For

the most part, a description of Exmoor scenery, as the writer saw it himself at midsummer. He tells how he traversed the moor, with what delight he came to the hollows with......

The Heir Of Aylmer's Court. By M. E. James. 3

vols. (Elliot Stock.)—This novel is divided by a pretty sharp line into two parts, one of which is, it seems to us, eminently absurd ; the other is a fairly reasonable and......