14 JUNE 1884, page 1

There Is Agitation Just Now Both In Holland And Belgium.

In Holland the people begin to fear that the dynasty may end, and that a question of succession may arise. The Prince of Orange, a weakly man, is dying ; and the King, now......

On Tuesday Afternoon Began The Discussion Of The New Clauses

which were proposed as additions to the Bill. And, after some unimportant proposals of Mr. Ecroyd's had been negatived, Mr. Woodall's amendment for the enfranchisement of women......

Herr Kruger And His Colleagues, Deputed By The Transvaal...

to cultivate friends in Europe, and raise funds for the railway to Delagoa Bay, have received an ovation in Berlin. The Chancellor has exerted himself to do them honour, has......

A Despatch Has Been Published This Week, Dated May 17th,-

in which Lord Granville directs Sir E. Baring's locum. tenons at Cairo to inform General Gordon that, " as the original plan for the evacuation of the Soudan has been dropped,"......

News Of The Week.

M R. GLADSTONE on Monday night stated that the negotiations with France had reached a point which would shortly enable the Government to consult the Powers. He hoped, therefore,......

On Monday Afternoon The Clauses Of The Franchise Bill As

originally drawn by the Government passed through Com- mittee. Mr. Cavendish Bentinck made an effort to save the rent-charge qualification, by the aid of which so many faggot-......

.*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
