14 JUNE 1902, Page 16



SIR,—In relation to inscriptions in the mosques in Cairo, by means of which the history of gifts, repairs, and additions may be traced (see Spectator for May 24th), it may interest your readers to know that, under the charge of the Comite de Conservation des Monumentr, de rArt Arabe, Herz Bey, their architect, places on each part of the new work which may be necessary to effect r_ repair a short statement in Arabic, with the date. I am happy to say that very little " restoration " is now done. The works are those of very genuine and careful repair, the pro- gress of which can be traced year by year, whether they be in stone, wood, or metal. The methods of work to-day are in many cases so identical with those of times past that were it not for the dates it would be often difficult to tell new work