3s. Net.)—dr. Ewald Haufe, Whose Experiences Are Here...
an English form, shows us a strangely mixed personality. He seems to have an unbounded faith in human nature. Left to itself, especially if it is not hampered by religion, it......
A King's Woman. By Katharine Tynan. (hurst And Blackett....
—It would be well to make Irish political history "taboo" as a subject for fiction. We can read with absolute equanimity a partisan romance of the Civil War, but the Irish fires......
Sir Theodore's Quest, And Other Stories. By Grant Allen. (j.
W. Arrowsmith, Bristol. 3s. 6d.)—That a girl should poison the old lover who refused to return compromising letters is probable enough; but what are we to say of the parson who......
Dorothy Vernon 'of Hadckra Hall. By Charles Major. (mac-...
and Co. 6s.)—This is a good story of its kind, historical in a way, as introducing various real personages whose existence and general character and surroundings are matters of......
What Is Shakespeare? By L. A. Sherman. (macmillan And Co.
6s. net.)—After a brief preliminary chapter—we could wish that it had been longer, but, the book being a class-book, the author wished, we suppose, to get to business at once—we......
St. Antony Of Padua.
St. Antony of Padua. By M. l'Abbei A. Lepitre. Translated by Edith Guest. (Duckworth and Co. 3s.)—We cannot see that the method followed in this biography—the remark applies to......
C Ijiment Litera.t (tee.
LIFE AND LEITERS IN THE FOURTH CENTURY. Life and Letters in the Fourth Century. By T. R. Glover. (Cambridge University Press. 10s.)—This is one of those efforts to popularise......