The Colonial Troops Club, To Which Attention Has Already...
drawn in our correspondence columns, was formally opened on Friday week by Mr. Chamberlain. The Club, the formation of which is entirely due to a happy thought of Miss Violet......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. Brodrick Announced
that there would be a general inquiry into the war by means of a small Royal Commission, the reference to which would be stated later. Probably parts of the inquiry will be held......
In The House Of Commons During The Past Week The
discus- sion has been almost purely financial. We have dealt else- where with the Chancellor of the Exchequer's declarations as to the Zollverein made on Monday and Tuesday, but......
There Has Been Much Discussion This Week As To The
increase of lawlessness in London. The special occasion is a murder which seems to have been committed by the young roughs now called "Hooligans" without motive and out of pure......
Very Serious Riots Are Breaking Out In Spain Among The
agricultural labourers. In Andalusia there is a nearly uni- versal strike, and in Estremadura the men have taken up arms, defied the old soldiers who form the Guardia Civile,......
On Tuesday A Very Important Meeting, Presided Over By Lord
Rosebery, and attended by Mr. Asquith and many other prominent Liberals, was held at the Queen's Hall, Langharn Place, to protest against the Education Bill. Lord Rose- bery's......
The Jews In Eastern Europe Are Again Being Subjected To
persecution. Fifty thousand of them have, it is stated, been ordered to quit the "mining province" of Russia, and to reside within the Pale after sacrificing their occupations......
The German Parliament, After A Severe Struggle Between...
and the Agrarians, has accepted the Sugar Convention as arranged at Brussels. It remains, therefore, only to overcome the resistance of the French beet growers, which threatens......