Two aspects of the business of Boots Pure Drug Company which gave the annual meeting an exceptional interest were the continued expansion in the size of the undertaking and the excellent results which have attended the company's policy of a five-day week for its employees. Lord Trent, the Chairman, was able to report steady progress in trading, the number of branches of the company having been increased during the past year by 54 to a total of 1,079, while turnover in drugs, medicines and prescriptions has beaten all previous records, and profits for the year showed a satisfactory increase. ' This side of the company's activities is of principal interest to. the Shareholder; but Lord Trent pointed out that record sales betokened unfailing confidence of the medical profession and the public in the company's services, which, of course, . cover a very wide area. On the subject of employment conditions, the Chairman announced that the five-day week at the factories had been pronounced completely successful, and was being continued indefinitely. Since the company employed 18,697 on March 31st last, compared with 17,788 a year. previously,. the success of the scheme has. considerable public importance as an example of the beneficial effect of adequate leisure on industrial efficiency.